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One of the best depictions of Muslim women I’ve come across in the media is the show “We Are Lady Pa…
The Breakfast Club. Murder on the Orient Express. Speed. I’ve always loved bottle movies - those tha…
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression on 17 January 2020. The first two drugs I got on w…
Before becoming a Muslim, I would cover my hair from time to time with headscarves - mostly on bad h…
I was almost an hour late for the funeral service. The church was filled with people dressed in blac…
If two years ago you'd have asked me whether I'd join a book club, your ears would likely be met wit…
A week earlier, everything was business as usual between him and I. It would be wrong to say that ev…
I remember where I was on the day that the results of the Lamu Gubernatorial race were announced. Sa…
The headaches came and went like the current melancholic Nairobi weather. At first, Mara Moja pain p…
I have never been claustrophobic. But in the swell of humans and their earthly chattels on this morn…