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Seven months after the 2022 general election, Kenyans are swimming in another deluge of misinformation. In the wake of protests led by opposition leader Raila Odinga, misleading photos and videos were…
Raptors, the generic name for birds of prey, are hyper-carnivorous bird species that survive by hunting and feeding on other animals. Currently, Kenya has 103 species (including owls) of birds of prey…
After a long career in teaching law at the University of Nairobi, Dr. WILLY MUTUNGA was detained without trial in July 1982 by the Daniel arap Moi regime for fighting for democratisation. He went on t…
The name Kenya Police Force used to evoke fear and apprehension from Kenyans of all walks of life, especially those bound to find themselves on opposing sides with the state at one point or another. A…
The President of the Kenya Editors’ Guild recently called a press conference to allege that they had received reports of an imminent phone and internet shutdown. Despite providing no evidence or subst…
I’m writing to you from a chilly Japan today. I seem to have mistimed my first international vacation in four years, and now I’m stuck in my hotel room as it pours outside. The view is good though. Fr…
Discovering a great book among the titles that have been on your to-read list forever is a bitter-sweet feeling. That was my experience with Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi. But how do I even b…
By now, anyone who lives in Kenya and is well appraised with the goings-on in the political sphere knows that the much hyped bipartisan talks between William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza and Raila Odinga’s Azi…
Ever since Kenya was a republic, dominion, colony, or left alone the way its people liked it, wildlife meant wealth. People made great fortunes by shooting and mounting the biggest trophies, poaching …
My name is Soila Kenya and I have a confession. All the jokes you've just thought up in your head right now? I've heard them before. Every. Single. One. I promise. I had a classmate in primary scho…