Let me first state that I absolutely detest the word "creative" as a designation for all people doing any sort of artistic work. I equally detest the word "content" as a catch-all term for all creativ…
Uganda has just passed one of the harshest anti-homosexuality laws in the world. Individuals engaged in same-sex sexual relations could face life imprisonment, while anyone who “knowingly promotes hom…
MUTEMI WA KIAMA is a prominent activist who uses social media and his foundation to advocate for the rights of those who are barely seen or heard in Kenya. His tweets have often landed him in trouble …
A friend of mine keeps a cat, mainly to catch a persistent rat that’s been raiding his granary. For months, the cat has been well fed and pampered, even though it has had no success in ending the rat’…
Any week you don’t see this column on your feed, it is mostly because I haven’t submitted it. I tell myself that I am too busy to write it, or I don’t know what to write about. But the truth is that w…
My mother’s answer leaves me disappointed when I ask her about the musician whose cassettes we listened to every Saturday morning. I want her to say Pastor Faustin Munishi because that is the sto…
The Breakfast Club. Murder on the Orient Express. Speed. I’ve always loved bottle movies - those that take place in one location for their entire duration, or most of it. I feel like it’s such a signi…
The first time my mother told me the name she gave me means love, I cringed. "Ifunanya, so that love can follow you wherever you go and you can bring love to others too." As a fairly tom-boyish child,…
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression on 17 January 2020. The first two drugs I got on were olanzapine (an antipsychotic) and mirtazapine (an antidepressant). Initially, I was very discipl…
If there's one thing that Kenyans love it's gossip, especially when that gossip is around a celebrity. Even better when that gossip is around something considered shameful or embarrassing. Is life eve…