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What are our leaders reading? Some may read nothing at all, if you see the bare desks and shelves in…
“Wanawake saa hizi hata kushuka hatushuki . . . Hatuna muda hata wa kuenjoy na kina baba nyumbani, k…
For the third time now — 2014 being the first time a version of it was passed — Ugandan lawmakers ha…
It is tragic that Mukami Kimathi, Dedan Kimathi’s widow, died last week aged 96 without knowing her …
To the children of families, you no longer call yours, You made the right decision Your famil…
“The revolution Will not be Televised” – Gill Scott Heron Inasmuch as I do not exactly consider m…
In November 1978, James Warren Jones, an American preacher, orchestrated the mass murder by suicide …
Yesterday morning, we published an editorial titled “Time’s Ripe for an Ufungamano Initiative”, in w…
Our history shows that mass action works where there is a generalised belief that the target is enga…
A month ago, after a trial that lasted six years, the High Court of Kenya sentenced four police offi…
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