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As public officer number one, the Presidential Retirement Benefits Act of 2013 states that a retired…
Ruto will take two oaths administered by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Anne Amadi, in the pr…
The instruments of power, which are a tradition observed across the Commonwealth nations,  are large…
Once the Deputy President-elect is in the arena, the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Anne Amadi, w…
The Sergeants-at-Arms is appointed by the President, and is usually recruited from senior ranks in s…
After Moses Wetangula was officially sworn in as the 8th Speaker in the history of the National Asse…
After the notification by the President, the Clerks of the Senate and National Assembly officially c…
On Thursday 8 September 2022, Moses Masika Wetangula became the 8th Speaker of the National Assembly…
The Speaker is bestowed the honour of being the final authority on all matters regarding...…
The panel is appointed for the tenure of a term of parliament (five years) and may be replaced at th…
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