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Debunk Media

Whereas the concept of the Basic Structure Doctrine is not new in Kenya, this was the first time tha…
In BBI 2, these passive virtues were raised by the Appellants in a bid to overturn the BBI 1 by the …
While it might be unrealistic to require everyone to understand the deeper workings of finance, basi…
By conceptualizing and writing these narratives, the real Kenya was shown; the evolving Kenya was sh…
The role of the police during elections is to safeguard the right to vote by providing security to v…
Think about it this way. The more shoes you have, the less you wear a single pair. This means that y…
The story of a woman disguising herself as a man to attain her goals extends further than the legend…
A few years later, the handwritten newspaper grew into something more concrete. Vidyarthi founded th…
Cigs may seem sexy. However, I can’t date a smoker because I have enough chimneys in my house, despi…
Gender-Based Violence is one of the most persistent violations of human rights across the globe and …