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Debunk Media

Can one claim to be a fully formed judge if they lack the ability to throw a rib-cracking salvo or t…
A chess player of note, Koome has perfected the art of moving in silence, not wanting to be seen as …
To Mwilu, legally, 1+1 = 2. But spiritually, 1+1 = 1.…
By 2 p.m. on 22 August 2022 – being the final day and hour when filings to the Supreme Court would b…
As Kenya’s litigants promise fireworks in the upcoming presidential petition hearings, we thought to…
About 18,000 local and international observers were accredited by the Independent Electoral and Boun…
“Upon the declaration of the final results of a presidential election by the Commission under Articl…
In the event that Deputy President William Ruto’s declaration as president-elect is not challenged a…
According to Article 134 of the Constitution, temporary incumbency of the President occurs “during t…