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Debunk Media

In the last few years, there has been a growing trend in the revival of anti-homosexuality legislati…
In 1993, Guinea Bissau repealed its Penal Code and decriminalised consensual same-sex sexual acts be…
For the third time now — 2014 being the first time a version of it was passed — Ugandan lawmakers ha…
Gakunju Kaigwa is a Kenyan sculptor with a Master’s degree in Public Art from the University of Dund…
Maps have long been a staple of election reporting. The US Presidential election, for instance, is o…
It is tragic that Mukami Kimathi, Dedan Kimathi’s widow, died last week aged 96 without knowing her …
When Jessica ‘Jess’ Olago (26)  made an uncomfortable matatu commute from Donholm to Westlands …
You might have seen it. A sustained Twitter campaign by @HoneyFarsafi targeted at Nairobi County gov…
To the children of families, you no longer call yours, You made the right decision Your famil…
My generation came of age with ace Congolese rhythm guitarist Lokassa ya M’bongo, the man who taught…