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Debunk Media

I slide and lean back on the leather seat watching my feet soak in a pedicure massager. It is a few …
Has the government lost confidence in its investigation into the cult of Paul Mackenzie Nthenge even…
It is mind-boggling that the Kenya Kwanza  government believes it can get away with raiding Ken…
A three year old has just moved in with me. Her name is Rosie. She has orange hair, a spicy attitude…
It was the fifth year in a row that Jimmy Rugami, Nairobi's famous record man, was hosting vinyl buf…
Like the story of vinyl, the story of James ‘Jimmy’ Rugami never gets old. An equivalent of a music …
Nabalayo is the fairy godmother of the Nairobi Underground. She’s a multi-talented artist whose self…
On 15 January 1985, the front page of The Standard newspaper carried the headline: ‘Killer sex disea…
The country is still reeling from the ongoing investigation into the Shakahola Massacre where the co…
The Malindi doomsday cult is global news and the Kenyan Government is keen to catch up. The Shakahol…