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Debunk Media

Let me first state that I absolutely detest the word "creative" as a designation for all people doin…
Uganda has just passed one of the harshest anti-homosexuality laws in the world. Individuals engaged…
MUTEMI WA KIAMA is a prominent activist who uses social media and his foundation to advocate for the…
A friend of mine keeps a cat, mainly to catch a persistent rat that’s been raiding his granary. For …
Any week you don’t see this column on your feed, it is mostly because I haven’t submitted it. I tell…
1 My mother’s answer leaves me disappointed when I ask her about the musician whose cassettes we …
The Breakfast Club. Murder on the Orient Express. Speed. I’ve always loved bottle movies - those tha…
The first time my mother told me the name she gave me means love, I cringed. "Ifunanya, so that love…
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression on 17 January 2020. The first two drugs I got on w…
If there's one thing that Kenyans love it's gossip, especially when that gossip is around a celebrit…