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Had Grace Monica Akech Onyango never joined politics, her contribution to society would already have been immense. Onyango was a teacher; the first woman assistant commissioner of the Girl Guide Assoc…
Our history shows that mass action works where there is a generalised belief that the target is engaging in manifest political and economic exclusion of the masses per se. This is extensively analysed…
A month ago, after a trial that lasted six years, the High Court of Kenya sentenced four police officers to death and long prison terms for the brutal torture and killing of human rights lawyer Willy …
We grow up being oblivious to the humanness of those who raise us despite being found in the intimate convergence where they meet us. Some of them did not get to familiarise themselves with buoyancy b…
In the Bible, Abraham is referred to as the father of faith. He is the pioneer of all three Abrahamic religions namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. One of the hallmarks of his life is that he walk…
And now the work begins on the preparations for the next elections in 2027. The select panel that will pave way for the new appointments to the IEBC has been set up despite the furious engagements bet…
I am a Time Traveler. I live in the nebulous space between today and tomorrow; somewhere between this second and the next. I see the future laid out before me during every waking moment. All the en…
An interesting thing happened in February. An organisation called the Alliance for Science published a report pointing out that misinformation on genetically modified organisms had been published by n…
As you watched the BBC Africa Eye documentary about the endemic sexual abuse of women casual labourers on the plantations Lipton Teas and Infusions and James Finlay owned in Kericho, you may have wond…
NAOMI NJERI MWAURA is passionate about ensuring women’s safety in urban transport and other public spaces. In 2014, she was among hundreds of women who led the MyDressMyChoice campaign to protest agai…