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One of the ten demands made by the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga when he appointed a team to talk to President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza seeks to enforce a Turn-Coat Rule r…
The stage is set for a civil-society-led meeting at Ufungamano House today following Raila Odinga's tweet invitation. The objectives of the meeting include charting a path for Kenya’s salvation, engag…
Among the demands that the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party (Azimio) made in its call for protests against government inaction, the one that was most likely to “set” the negotiating table was…
Yesterday morning, we published an editorial titled “Time’s Ripe for an Ufungamano Initiative”, in which we made the case that the proposed talks between William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza and Raila Odinga’s…
Following the 2007/2008 post election violence, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) released a damning report aptly titled On the Brink of the Precipice, detailing one of our country…
I think it is quite disingenuous of opposition leader Raila Odinga and his supporters to lay the entire blame on President William Ruto for the high cost of living, considering that Kenyans have been …
15 years ago, in January 2007, Nairobi hosted the World Social Forum at the Moi International Sports Centre Kasarani. Attending this alter-globalist, anti-capitalist convention was Julian Assange, an …
I wasn’t always good at it, but now I’m good at being single. I know how to self-soothe (don’t read too much into that ). I revel in the love that I already have. I enjoy my own company. I value my …
The end of the COVID-19 pandemic has, thankfully, seen tourism in Kenya’s coastal resorts pick up. Foreign and domestic tourists are once again flocking to coastal resorts like Mombasa, Diani and Mali…
Watching the mother-of-all-protests and Raila Odinga’s cavalcade traverse Nairobi the other day, I learned a new phrase. Stochastic terrorism is observed where a charismatic leader uses mass media as …